Sunday, August 15, 2010

I Have Realized That

I Have Realized That........

No matter how many times I pray
I only get what I really deserve.

When I was really ecstatic about something
There were never enough people to share with it.

Words had always hurt me more than
The wounds I had suffered in life.

An wonderful idea has always changed my life
So, always think before to take an important decision.

Nothing is good or bad
It is up to you, how do you take it.

If you want to know about yourself
put your ideas to do it, it will show you the real picture of your soul.

I have always performed well
When I listened carefully.

I am better
When I am silent.

When, I was seriously trying to get the things, Things has always maintained a distance with me
But,when I was happily trying to get the things, things were always closer to me.

Opportunity sooner or latter always came to me
When I really worked and wished for them.

People with many interest live, not only longest, but always happiest.

Happiness is not a matter of events, it depend on the tides of your mind.

When, I was really confused and even, I was not in a position to take simple decision in my life
I always preferred to take a decision from heart not mind .

When, I was confident
I really performed well in my life.

Whenever I was disturb, I always took the wrong decision
And whenever I was free, decision taken by me was appreciated by everyone.

Don't promise anything when you are happy
Don't reply when you are angry
Don't decide anything when you are sad.(Remember this golden rule my friend)

You have to work very hard to achieve something better in your life.
If you do well in your study in college days, whole life you will get reward for that but.........If you do not perform well in college days, whole life you have to work hard to prove yourself.

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